
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Judiciary Notes: Code of Civil Procedure Part 1

Judiciary Notes: Code of Civil Procedure Part 1 যা যা আলোচনা করা হবেঃ
1. what is Code ?
2. is CPC is Code ?
3. is CPC is exhaustive ?
4. what is decree ?
5. prliminary decree.
6. final decree.
সব শেষে থাকবে টপিক এর উপর থেকে কিছু MCQ

The Code is defined as "a compilation (সংকলন বা সংগ্রহ গন্থ) of laws" it includes more than one law, rules or regulation enforced by the government.So it covers a branch of law as it existed at the time the code was enacted, by process of codification. যা পুর্বের সকল আইনকে বিবেচনার অধিকারে রেখে অথবা কার্যকর রেখে তারসঙ্গে বর্তমান পরিস্থিতি যোগ করিয়া সঙ্কলিত হয়, তাহাকে আইনের ভাষায় Code বলা হয়।

Is CPC a Code

The Code means compilation not only just existing statutes, bust also much of unwritten laws like customs, Judicial decisions upon a particular subject including pre-existing laws. Basically CPC is consolidation and amending Act which include Al pre-existing statutes, judicial order etc on civil procedural matters. That’s why CPC is a Code.